Hurricane Heat

tímovo založené


Táto extrémna disciplína začala po hurikáne Irene v roku 2011, keď bolo počasie tak brutálne, že boli zrušené všetky preteky. Spartan zverejnil ponuku: všetci, ktorí ste dostatočne silní na to, aby ste čelili búrke, príďte v deň pretekov. Mnohí neprišli, niektorí však áno - a zrodil sa Hurricane Heat.
Team-Based Challenge

Each Hurricane Heat is entirely unpredictable, so ensuring your all-round functional fitness is as good as it can be by event day is key to a successful and enjoyable event. Distance running and marches with a weighted pack are excellent prep, as is bodyweight loaded workouts featuring squats, pushups, dips, burpees, and jumping jacks. Check out the plans for more.


Spartan Hurricane Heat challenges athletes in three endurance formats: HH4 (4-hour), HH12 (12-hour), and HH24 (24-hour). Each timed event pushes participants through relentless physical and mental challenges, demanding teamwork, resilience, and the ability to adapt under pressure.

How to Train

Each Hurricane Heat is entirely unpredictable, so ensuring your all-round functional fitness is as good as it can be by event day is key to a successful and enjoyable event. Distance running and marches with a weighted pack are excellent prep, as is bodyweight loaded workouts featuring squats, pushups, dips, burpees, and jumping jacks. Check out the plans for more.

What To Bring

Every Hurricane Heat has a standard gear list, along with custom items which change for every event. The event leaders will share the custom list with all registered students prior to each event. Some items will be for your safety, others will be for specific use during the event, and they may appear strange or confusing at first! Check out the standard list here.

Čo získate

Cieľom Hurricane Heat je váš osobný vývoj. Nedostanete tu žiadne medaile. Avšak tí, ktorí sú dostatočne silní na to, aby Hurricane Heat dokončili, si domov odnesú niektoré veľmi žiadané predmety. Získané tričko bude dôkazom vášho členstva v exkluzívnom celosvetovom klube Spartan.

Spartan Hurricane Heat finišerské tričko

Spartan Hurricane Heat finišerká nášivka

Spartan Hurricane Heat “psia známka” alebo náramok

Spartan Hurricane Heat vesta

*Pre presné detaily o vašom podujatí si pozrite konkrétne pokyny pred pretekmi.


Je Hurricane Heat podobný korporátnemu team buildingu?
Je to teda niečo ako udalosť s batohom / záťažou (ruck eventy)?
Kto, alebo čo, sú Krypteia?
Môžem sa prihlásiť s kamarátmi?
Čo ak ešte nie som dostatočne pripravený, aby som to skúsil?
Načo je mi tretinka? Sedí do Trifecty?
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